Superduper 蟹粉捞面-my secret recipe

241510483712_.pic_hd.jpgSo I’ve eating and trying to cook this for a long time before I can write this gibberish.

Soup stock made by chicken and millet wine is of  foremost importance.

Bamboo sprouts from Tianmu mountain, Hangzhou

Fresh Chinese cabbage from local farmers (Has to be Chinese because Chinese is the best, non?)

Chinese ramen, perfectly Al dente.

Best crabs from Yangcheng Lake or Taihu Lake, southeast China. Get out the meat and cut into shreds without losing the flavor. You can do it with care.

Boil everything and bow to Shanghai cuisine masterpiece of one thousand years.

This is utterly antique decadence cuz the ancient literati in Zhejiang and Jiangsu Provinces, such as Hangzhou and Suzhou are into the habit of poem writing with crab dishes. Protein intake and intellectual masturbation output. Perfecto!

I’m not going into many details in case more people surpass me in being the perfect domestic dummy chef in town.


After all, competition is super fierce is China.


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